Worship With Us
At Temple Israel, our worship services offer a vibrant and meaningful connection to our Jewish heritage. Whether you’re a lifelong member or exploring Judaism for the first time, our services are designed to inspire, educate, and create a sense of community. Join us for Shabbat services and experience the beauty of our traditions, from traditional prayers to modern melodies. Discover the warmth and inclusivity that make Temple Israel a special place to worship.
Shabbat Services
This Week at Temple Israel March 10 - March 16
Friday, March 14, 7:30 PM - Sisterhood Shabbat
Join Temple Israel Sisterhood for their annual Sisterhood Shabbat service where they will honor Donna Gantner as the 2025 Queen Esther.
High Holy Day Services & Sermons
Celebrate the High Holy Days
All are welcome to join us in our High Holy Day services and events. Our worship services require no tickets. RVSPs will be required only for the Community Break Fast and Congregational Dinner. Keep an eye out for further details on how to RSVP for these two events.
Bar/Bat/B’nai Mitzvah
Boys and girls who are committed to a path of Judaic and Hebrew studies are called to the Torah at age 13 as they help lead our congregation in prayer. The ceremony marks their growth and responsibility and joyfully welcomes them as young adult members of our community. We periodically offer adult B’nai Mitzvah classes.
The rabbi is available to officiate at weddings. The couple may be called to the bima for blessing on the Shabbat preceding the wedding.
Baby Naming
Newborn boys are named at the Brit Milah (Covenant of Circumcision) ceremony. Newborn daughters are named in a Brit Bat (Daughter of the Covenant) ceremony in the home or during a Shabbat service.
We welcome Jews by choice. The rabbi is available to discuss the components of conversion and path of study.
The community is here to support its members during times of loss. The sanctuary is available for funeral services.
Yizkor Services
Public memorial services are held in our congregation on Yom Kippur afternoon and at the morning service on the seventh day of Pesach.
Any member of the congregation may request that the name of a deceased family member be mentioned in connection with the recitation of the Kaddish prayer at Shabbat services.
With respect to questions about weddings, baby namings, Brit Milah ceremonies, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, funerals, unveilings, and the conversion process, please contact Senior Rabbi Michael Weinstein at 918-747-1309.
Music is an important part of life at Temple Israel. Drawing from a broad repertoire from traditional melodies long sung in the Reform movement to contemporary settings of prayers, we invite worshippers to fill the sanctuary with your voices.
We are blessed to have Cantor Laurie Weinstein leading our Temple Israel Music Team. The team includes Cantorial Soloist Jenny Labow, Temple member and local singer/musician, and renowned pianist Mr. Paul Sweet. Jewish music professionals also enrich the music culture at Temple Israel during the High Holy Days. A variety of instrumental accompaniment joyfully supports the music of the congregation in addition to piano. Once a month Temple Israel enjoys band accompaniment from the “house band” Elijah’s Minor Prophets adding percussion, bass, and accordion along with piano and guitar.