Scholar in Residence Weekend

Join Rabbi Jeff Salkin and your Temple Israel family for an event filled weekend, March 28-30.

Rabbi Salkin has a loving relationship with our Temple Israel Family; he was our visiting Scholar in 2012, and is incredibly excited to, once again, bring his Torah, teaching, musicality, and engagement to our community. Furthermore, he hopes to bring a few additional treats along the way.

The weekend begins at Shabbat Service on Friday, March 28 at 6:00 PM, for “Praying with Fire: An interactive learning service.” 

Then be sure to join us on Saturday, March 29, at 10:30 AM for “How do you reboot American Judaism?” 

Saturday evening, March 29, at 5:00 PM after Havdallah where light hors d’oeuvres will be served. Rabbi Salkin will be joined by Cantor Daniel Singer for a special lecture with song, “How Does it Feel?”– The religious vision of Bob Dylan. Cantor Singer brings a vast array of musical talent to Temple Israel, ranging from renowned Reform Cantor to voice over talent to recording artist. 

Finally, on Sunday, March 30, join us for breakfast at 9:30 AM prepared by Temple Israel Brotherhood followed by Rabbi Salkin at 10:00 AM where he will give a talk that will make you think called “Is Trump 2.0 good for the Jews?”

All of the events are free. Please RSVP by March 24.

Click Here to RSVP

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